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Live Good Gang is a movement and evolution of individuals that are seeking, approaching and doing positive things throughout life.

"Live" means  to lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style. Pursue a positive and satisfying existence. "Good" means moral excellence or admirableness; that which is good or valuable or useful; deserving of esteem and respect. "Gang" merely means a group or organization of friends.

When people see the LGG brand they should identify it as inspiration, hope and a tool of representation for things in a positive sense. No matter where they're from and what walk of life they take people should identify as part of the same group, promoting the same thing.."GOOD". If we all can get along we all can worked together and benefit from each other making everyone's life a little if not a lot easier.

 LGG's  main focus is to represent global unity and prosperity.

We encourage you to inspire others by sharing success stories and posting pictures wearing Live Good Gang apparel using the hashtag: #LiveGoodGang


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Lisa John

Fashion Design

Jane Doe


Cartherin Forres

Marketing Director